mama knits!

(when they let her...)

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Catching Up

Well, it's the end of July and as I realized that I haven't gotten to show pictures of the SP packages I received back at the beginning of the month!! Even though they are "Secret" Pals, they still deserve credit for sending such yummy gifts!

This is from my One Skein SP. It's so soft and plummy! She also sent along some other yarn so I can make a cupcake from the book.... I think that will be my car project when we go away.

This gift is from my Mellow SP from Knitty. She sent me some pretty alpaca yarn, notecards, bath confetti and a cute bath toy for my son. I think I may need to get a large quantity of this yarn and make a cardigan (I love alpaca, but I'm too hot blooded to wear a regular sweater made out of it!). She also sent a pretty postcard. Everyone has cute postcards to send me, I wish I had some to send to my pals. I'll just have to stock up when we go away..... they won't be from the town I live in, but it's less than an hour away.

My second lovely gift from my SP8 Pal. A Noni bag pattern (one vendor at Valley Forge said this one sells out fast), a lightbulb diffuser with Cappuccino oil and a book that I will have to make time to read. It's been a while since I had a chance to read. Now that I think about it, I don't think I'm taking any knitting when we go away. I have a huge stack of magazines I haven't gotten to yet... either that or I'll use the bobble part of the pattern and make a whole lot of them. For what I'm not sure.... I'll figure that out later.... maybe a felted bobble-y pillow? I think Little Guy would get a kick out of that!


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