The Haunted Table
Well, maybe it's not reeeally haunted, but somethin's up...
This table is one of Little Guy's favorite toys. Even if he's just in one of his moods where all he does is stand up, then sit down, then stand up, then sit down for half an hour or so, he loves to be at his table.
Last week the batteries died, so I replaced them (with brand new batteries).... now the table is playing music for no reason. I asked Caleb if he was doing it (yeah, he was on the other side of the room, but you never know....), but, of course, he's only a year old. He's not going to look at me and say "Why yes Mama, I just looked at the table and made it turn on."
So now we keep it turned off unless he's playing at it. But other than that weirdness, it's a really great toy if you need to buy a gift for a little one. My husband told someone (after he had been drinking) "That is the best toy since the invention of kids".
Colorswap Packages
I recently received some wonderful "color" themed packages. These swaps were so much fun! I had a good time looking for things of a certain color to send to my pals.
The first one is from Anne. I know she just started a blog, but I think I accidentaly deleted the info when I was clearing out my email (I hadn't been online for a while, so there was a huge mess in there!). So, Anne, if you're reading this, please give me you're info again so I can come take a look!
She sent me a package filled with reds and pinks. She sent lots of cool things, and everything smelled wonderful because of the Fooberry incense. How did she know that I had been looking at this sock yarn online? And now I have a sock bag to use when I make socks with it!
Karla sent this "neutral" package. I have been feeling rather cable-y lately, and that Primo seems to be telling me it wants to become cabled wristwarmers...
See that little angel in the front? It's made from a tampon!! Really! I had never seen one of these before... I think I'm going to have to try to make sure I get out to all the little holiday bazaars coming up. Who knows what kinds of fun stuff I'll find to send to my SPs...
This pretty pink and red package came from Lu. I had never touched the SWTC Optimum before... it's soooo soft!! I think it needs to be something that goes around my neck...
The yarn in the front was dyed by her. Check out her shop and get some for yourself.
I wish I had started participating in these swaps/ Secret Pal things sooner!! I love sending people gifts, and of course it's always a good day when you get a surprise in the mail yourself. Plus, it's giving me new ideas for things to's nice to just let the yarn tell me what it wants to be!