I miss that wild hair so much!

Little Guy had his first haircut! I wasn't able to do it myself (he wouldn't sit still and just needed to know what I was doing behind him), so I had it done when I got mine cut. I had a lot of touching up to do when we got home, but then I guess there's no way anyone can give a perfect haircut to a one year old. I do miss my little wild man though...
Here he is modeling his new hat right before his haircut. I love making him hats-- they're so fast to make.

I also received a great package from my Sockret Pal! My camera feels like giving me problems (the little thing you have to turn to turn the camera on doesn't want to turn right), but I did get pictures of the yarn she sent.
Cascade 220 to make the felted Ball Cap pattern she sent (I had been wanting to get that pattern!), a skein of Pastaza (one of my favorite yarns) and some Mango Moon Capelli. I haven't used the Capelli before, but it feels really soft (and the little sweater hanging from it is cute!).

She also sent me some What-a-melon Lisa Souza sock yarn. My pals a pretty good mind reader, because I recently purchased the Cant-Elope color, which very similar.

There was a bunch of things I didn't get pictures of: magnets, notecards, Nerds candy, Knit Clips (another thing I had been wanting to try!), knitting counter, point protectors shaped like socks amd the IK holiday issue. Oh, and cookies, can't forget about them!
Thank you secret pal! You did a great job finding things that I was wanting to try!
I also want to thank my lovely SP9 hostess for the Knit Lite needles she sent me as a contest prize. They were just the right size for the earflaps on the black hat I getting ready to start (a lot of my knitting is done at night by the light of the TV, and that's not so much fun when using black yarn!).